The history of Mickey Mouse begins in 1928, Walter Elias Disney (in art Walt Disney), after to have founded with its brother Roy, a study for the cartoons production, it devised its first personage who initially called Mortimer Mouse, but later on, behind suggestion of the wife, he renamed with the name of Mickey Mouse (in Italy came called Topolino). Is a rat with of the large round and black ears and with dell and arms and of the thin legs much. It wears of the red shorts with two yellow buttons, of the shoes and the yellow gloves. The first cartoon production, realized thanks also to the collaboration of the friend designer Ub Iwerks, entitled "Streamboat Willie" and had like Mickey Mouse protagonists and its Minnie fiancèe. Are introduced in a cinema of New York and was taken advantage of a beautiful musical comment in optimal synchrony with the animated scenes. Later on, the Disney study continued to produce to cartoos and thanks to the series of the "Silly Symphonies" , where you appeared wolf and the three pigs, in 1933 the 31 prizes Oscar won first of who would have received in all the career. Mickey Mouse made its first appearance in the world of the comic strips, in 1930. It was characterized from endured, like an intelligent personage, optimistic and brave. Thanks to its Mickey Mouse intuitions are extraordinary detective, but also a personage of able adventure with the single use of the reason (and not of the force) to overwhelm enemies, physically much stronger than he (as an example, Gambadilegno). Mickey Mouse does not carry out a very precise trade, collaborates like private investigator with the police of Topolinia, but often and gladly it manages with other jobs. House in style American, encircled from a beautiful garden lives in one, in the city of Topolinia. The first banns of Mickey Mouse were truly of the comics masterpiece and they were taken advantage of the great designer Floyd Gottfredson. To remember storys:"Mickey Mouse and the mystery of Black Spot ", "Mickey Mouse counterpart of king rat", "Mickey Mouse journalist", "Mickey Mouse and the mystery of the man cloud", "Mickey Mouse and gorilla the Phantom", "Mickey Mouse to the age of the stone". With the Mickey Mouse time one is graphically modern. Hour wears red long pants, one blue jersey with the short sleeves, yellow shoes bound together to the gloves of the same color. In the 1940 Mickey Mouse it was one of the protagonists of what the cinematographic critics us have defined the best cartoons than all the times: Fantasy. But to its debut in it knows them cinematographic, this cartoon was not received from many consents, in fact the attempt to visualize classic music (cultured) with the use of cartoons (poor art) are approval like true and just a cultural crime. Mickey Mouse apprentice wizard is this the assistant of a powerful wizard who take of its magical hat, succeeds to animate of the scope, but he loses the control of its magic and arranges a "sea" of troubles. But the happened one of Mickey Mouse must without doubt also to all the personages who have accompanied it in its history, first of all Goffy, its better and inseparable friend. In it originates them Goffy American came called Goofy, that he means "fool, funny" and sure this nickname is much guessing seen its personality. In fact Goffy, contrarily to Mickey Mouse perennially is distracted, ready to arrange some trouble. In spite of everything, more than once it is successful to resolve of the intricate situations that have seen protagonist to it. Goffy is a good, sensitive and poetic personage. In a history that saw it to amuse in making of the soap bubbles, while Mickey Mouse was deprived of hope more for problems prati to us, attract attention as Goffy had developed mainly the hemisphere celebrates them skillful (that one of the creativity and the art), while Mickey Mouse, being more pragmatic, must have developed mainly the hemisphere celebrates them left (that one of the rationality and the practical sense), this makes us to understand as these personages are completed to vicissitude. Goffy was devised in 1932 with the animated cartoons Mickey' s Revue.The characterization of the personage must to the entertainer Art Babbitt. But it is in 1936 that Bill Walsh and Floyd Gottfredson, made it to become the Goffy that all we know. But thanks to the amercian superheroes tradition, that it went strongly above all in the post-war period, Goffy gave to origin to its alter ego: Super Goof. The idea was of the scripteriter American Of the Connell that in 1965, in a history against "Black Spot", drinks one accidentally strange fuel invented from Gyro Gearloose for an apparatus of its invention, in a position to characterizing the bandit. In that history, but Goffy only was convinced of to have received of the super powers. It was as a result of the happened one of that history, than decided to invent Goffy like true and just Superhero and to exactly transform it in Super Goof . Dressed with one tights red, similar to pyjamas and with one a blue cape. In the banns Americans it has a "G" on the chest while in those Italians "S" has one. Goffy transforms the Super Goof after to have eaten of the special peanuts (comprised peel), that it cultivates in its garden and that hides in its inseparable one cup. It has the powers similar to those of Superman, like the powerfull force, the stratospheric speed, the look to beams X and a lot other anchor to second of the difficulties that meets. As we have pointed out to the beginning, Mickey Mouse sin from its first apparition, comes accompanied from the sweet Minnie fiancèe. This personage has incarnated from always the feminine figure of our society and also changing like attitudes with passing of the mode, Minnie is remained always sweet, sensitive, combative and from the strong temperament, although in its first apparition it recites the role of the defenseless woman, like stereotyped of the feminine figure in que period. Its graphical and psychological characterization must to the cartoonist, Floyd Gottfredson that is successful to create a complementary to Mickey Mouse and not subordinate personage to its great personality. Minnie appears in history of Mickey Mouse, in the greater part of the cases while kitchen some cake, while it takes the the with to its Clarabella friend (a anthropomorhic cow) or while it is intenta to organize some initiative (festivities, sales for beneficence, etc...). From always the brace of Mickey Mouse and Minnie it represents that one of the eternal fiancèes. Also not having sons, in history of Mickey Mouse, a lot often two rat appears twin; they are Tip and Tap, its grandsons. They made their first appearance in 1932, to the inside of the comic strip Mickey' s Nephews, designed from Floyd Gottfredson, while in the world of cartoons begining in 1934 with "Mickey' s Steamroller". Tip and Tap, graphically are similar the uncle Mickey Mouse and wear of the duffle coat with in head a sailor hat. They are intelligent, lives to us, onlookers and above all in first history, emphasize the inability of Mickey Mouse in holding them to attends, (a as all the adults in the comparisons of the children). To Tip and Tap oppose the nephew of Minnie, Melody, with which they are born often and gladly of the deep aversions. The joy of Tip and Tap is born when they meet Pluto, the dog of Mickey Mouse. Is affectionate, faithful, sensitive, curious a dog much and a lot often arranges troubles, but in many history Mickey Mouse has helped to capture the ladro of turn, thanks also to its one fiuto. It makes its debut in 1930 the inside of the series Mickey Mouse Cartoon. But Pluto reflects also a contradictions stylistic of the personages, in fact it is a dog that behaves as a dog (rather than to speak barks), while Goffy, Mickey Mouse and all the others are of the animals anthropomorphs, that they speak and they are behaved as they make the beings normally human. Between these personages, only humanize animals do not appear, but also men come from future like Eaga Beeva created from Bill Walsh, Floyd Gottfredson and To the Levin, in 1947. Its first history entitled "Eaga Beeva, the man of 2000". Is one strangest creature from the strange thin body and testone the triangular one, with hands on foot supplies of an only finger and an improbable nose. It precedes every word with letter "p", nutre of naphthalene (than he it calls p-naphthalene) and he is able to preview the future and to read in the thought. But the thing more absurd than this personage is that from its very small short black one, it succeeds to outside pull objects of all the types: closets, washing machines, hammerings, pictures etc..., moreover sleeps comfortably, in perfect horizontal position, over the head of a bed. Eaga Beeva is accompanied in its history from an equally strange small dog, called Flip. It has the property to understand if the persons are saying the truth or if they are false and she can force them not to say the lies. But who is the enemies of Micky Mouse? In the first place Peter Gambadilegno, its enemy number one. More than a thieving than are profession the "bad one", inasmuch as in its adventures it has interpreted you vary roles, from the classic thieving of chicken, to the gangster, the counterfeiter, the dog-chatcher, or quite to the head of the police (you see the cartoon of 1936, Moving Day). With its imposing stature, its size broad and its arrogance, Gambadilegno has one personality that incute fear of all, except to Micky Mouse, always ready ridicolizzar picking it it with "the hands in the bag" in some its suspicious enterprise. To its Gambadilegno debut it had a wood leg effectively, but in a history of the 1942 "Micky Mouse and the woodsman" it declares to have replaced it with one prosthesis. Now it walks and it runs like if null was. From the 1960 Gambadilegno it is accompanied from a feminine figure called Trudy, similar to he in the dimensions and analogous in the mind cheat, jealousy in the comparisons of its companion is characterized from one strongly. An other character much mysterious one is intriguer who confers to history of Micky Mouse the characterictic of the yellow is Black Spot, a brilliant criminal who wears a black sheet and company its messages with one spot of black ink. It makes its first apparition in 1939 with the history masterpiece "Micky Mouse and the mystery of Black Spot". Is one species of Diabolik, in a position to inventing brilliant equipment in order to steal valuables. Contrarily to Gambadilegno it has the most fine mind that puts to hard tries the realized one of Micky Mouse. |
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Mikey Mouse
Posted by WanHady at 5:40 AM
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